High Dose Pur-C IV Therapy

High Dose Pur-C

The effects of Vitamin C are significantly greater when administered through an IV than when taken orally. Vitamin C is a strong anti-oxidant. Vitamin C finds abnormal cells and increases peroxide response inside the cell destroying the disease-causing agent and sparing the healthy normal cells.

Benefits of High Dose Pur-C
  • Reduce symptoms of cold and flu
  • Building collagen
  • Sepsis – decreases morbidity and mortality rate
  • Helps with Lyme disease
  • Reduces symptoms of hepatitis
  • Can curb inflammatory responses
  • Helps fight Lyme Disease
  • Decreases inflammatory response
Ingredients in High Dose Pur-C
  • 25 or more grams of Vitamin C

*other ingredients can be added to be tailored to the client for an additional cost


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9 AM - 5 PM

*extended hours available with a scheduled appointment


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